Analisis Pengawasan Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pemberian Izin Tempat Usaha Meja Billiard Di Kota Duri Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pariwisata Nomor 26 Tahun 2015 Tentang Standar Usaha Rumah Billiard
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Universitas Islam Riau
Musfadela, Ridho
K Law (General) 
2022-04-04 07:27:51 
Abstract :
Application for permit for business premises in the City of Duri Billiard Table submitted by Business Actors not all of the applications were approved by the Bengkalis Regency Investment and One Door Service Office (DPMPSP), on the grounds that the application was rejected because in practice it was often misused to be a gambling game tool for people who visited Billiard, and could trigger a riot among billiard players causing disruption to public order and peace, the workers used were women who dressed in sexy sections to "lure" adam to play billiards in that place and the addition of billiard operational permits. which is not extended by the billiard table businessman. Based on the background of the problem that the writer described above, the authors determine first how the Supervision of the Implementation of Granting Billiard Table Business Place Permit in the City of Duri Based on the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 26 of 2015 concerning Billiard House Business Standards and Constraints in Supervision of the Implementation of Granting Billiard Table Business Place Permits in Duri City Based on the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 26 of 2015 concerning Billiard Home Business Standards. This writing when viewed from the type of research, uses observational research methods, namely by means of a survey, where the authors directly location of research to obtain the data needed by using data collection tools in the form of interviews and questionnaires. The nature of this research is descriptive which means this research provides a clear picture. Implementation of Granting Billiard Table Business Place Permit in Duri City Based on Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 26 of 2015 concerning Billiard House Business Standards does not run effectively, this is proven by the fact that there are still many billiard table businesses that do not extend their business licenses and also still found business actors who do not have a billiard table business license. However, in the absence of owned business licenses, these business actors are also not subject to sanctions by the Bengkalis Regency Government related to not having a business license for the billiard table, business actors only have licenses from local youth leaders, RT and RW within the business permit environment. it is located. As for the causes of the entrepreneurs not taking care of permits due to convoluted procedures, expensive costs and a long time-consuming process, and regarding the obstacles in their supervision are the lack of public awareness in managing billiard business licenses, the existence of convoluted bureaucratic procedures and management fees. high business licenses, besides that there is also negligence from the entrepreneurs themselves who do not want to take care of business licenses and do not perform their obligations in paying business permit fees. 

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Universitas Islam Riau