Strategi Guru Tahfidz Dalam Memotivasi Siswa Untuk Meningkatkan Hafalan Al-Qur'an Di SD Islam As-shofa Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ilham, Ilham
BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc 
2022-04-04 07:35:43 
Abstract :
Based on a preliminary research conducted at As-Shofa Islamic Elementary School Pekanbaru, it was found that there were some students who are less interested in memorizing Al-Qur'an and there were some students who did not reach their memorization deposits. The researcher found several signs in the field, namely: there was still a lack of students? awareness of the importance of memorizing the Qur'an, there were still some students who had not been able to complete their memorization, there were still some students who kept chatting and even playing with friends when they are being punished by standing up together because of incomplete memorization and they did not really try to continue memorizing it again. The problem formulation of this study is: what are the strategies of tahfidz teachers in motivating students to improve Al-Qur'an memorization in class VI at As-Shofa Islamic Elementary School Pekanbaru. This study aims to investigate the strategies of tahfidz teachers in motivating students to improve Al-Qur'an memorization in class VI at As-Shofa Islamic Elementary School Pekanbaru. The type of this study is qualitative research. To obtain data of this study, data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. After the data are obtained, they are processed and analyzed through data reduction, data display and data verification, and drawing the following conclusions: first, the tahfidz teachers convey and explain to students the virtues and objectives of memorizing the Al-Qur'an. Second, the tahfidz teachers tell the experiences and inspirational figures of hafidz Al-Qur'an to arouse students' interest. Third, the tahfidz teachers give time to rememorize and make rote achievement targets. Fourth, the tahfidz teachers give awards and praise. Fifth, the tahfidz teachers train and guide students so that they can reach targeted rote deposits. Then it was discovered several strategies that had been carried out outside the theoretical concept, namely: First, the tahfidz teachers cooperate with the homeroom teachers to recite the students? memorization during the morning tadarus time. Second, the tahfidz teachers communicate with the students? parents to monitor their children in order to keep practicing memorization at home. 

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Universitas Islam Riau