Analisis Terhadap Tidak Berwenangnya Pengadilan Negeri Pekanbaru Dalam Mengadili Gugatan Lelang Pekerjaan Pengadaan Peralatan Lab Dalam Perkara No. 178/PDT.G/2016/PN.PBR
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Universitas Islam Riau
Romadan, Romadan
K Law (General) 
2022-04-04 07:56:26 
Abstract :
Basically the parties who put forward their demands the court aims to get legal protection, however although there are principles of civil procedural law that state that the court may refuse to examine and try a case which is submitted with the argument that the judge must not reject the case submitted to him but is obliged to examine and try him, like a lawsuit the auction winner submitted by the Plaintiff against the Defendant, which is the problem this is not the authority of the Court but the Business Competition Commission Not healthy. The author establishes the main problem which is what is the reason the plaintiff in filing a lawsuit for the procurement of lab equipment in case No. 178 / PDT.G / 2016 / PN.PBR and what is the basis the inability of the Pekanbaru District Court to hear a lawsuit auction of laboratory equipment procurement work in case No. 178 / PDT.G / 2016 / PN.PBR In writing this thesis using legal research methods normative namely research to study and explore and search for answers about what should be of each problem under study which consists out of 3 (three) primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials and are descriptive in nature namely research that explains in clear and detailed sentence form. The plaintiff's reasons for filing a procurement work auction lawsuit Lab equipment in case No. 178 / PDT.G / 2016 / PN.PBR, are plaintiffs stated that the Defendant had committed an illegal act within auctioning the work of procurement of laboratory equipment. The auction done by not following the auction procedures as appropriate and the winner has been predetermined by the Defendant, while the Basis the inability of the Pekanbaru District Court to hear a lawsuit auction of laboratory equipment procurement work in case No. 178 / PDT.G / 2016 / PN.PBR is a case of cancellation of this auction is not the authority of the Pekanbaru District Court, but the authority of the Commission KPPU Unfair Business Competition. 

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Universitas Islam Riau