Tinjauan Kriminologis Tentang Perkelahian Antar Warga Binaan Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Romi, Romi
K Law (General) 
2022-04-04 07:56:42 
Abstract :
Fighting between fostered residents often occurs at the Institution correctional Class IIA Pekanbaru. The main cause of inter fights fostered citizens in Class IIA Penitentiary Pekanbaru are over capacity and also influenced by social jealousy, taunting each other, and competition between rooms. Fighting between fostered citizens in the Institution Penitentiary of course injure the ongoing legal process for these fostered citizens and have violated their rights - right which is attached to self fostered citizens and violating laws and regulations - valid invitation. Here comes the mismatch between what is expected with the true reality. The main problem in this research is what is the causative factor terja dinya fights between fostered residents in Class Correctional Institutions II A Pekanbaru and how is the effort to overcome the fight between fostered citizens in Penitentiary Class II A Pekanbaru. The research method used in this study is survey , while the nature of this research is descriptive . The population in this study consists of Head of Penitentiary, Head Security Section Penitentiary (KPLP), security officer and fostered citizens who are got into a fight. Sample in this study the authors assign officers 42 people, with retrieval techniques sample in a manner purposive sampling . Tool data collector used is questionnaire and interview. From the results of research that the authors do note that the factors the cause of fights between fostered residents at the Institute Penitentiary Class II A Pekanbaru, is over capacity, the formation a group of rulers, theft, taunting, bullying and borrowing borrowing goods or money. Efforts to overcome perkel among the fostered citizens in Penitentiary Class II A Pekanbaru is to do preventive and repressive efforts. Preventive efforts in overcoming fights between fostered residents are: approach the citizens fostered, do control to block - the built block of citizens, conduct training towards the fostered citizens, maximizing their guarding and supervision. Effort repressive action is to apply witnesses to the target people involved resolute fighting. 

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Universitas Islam Riau