Tinjauan Yuridis Keterangan Ahli Sebagai Kekuatan Alat Bukti Dalam Perkara Pra Peradilan Nomor : 09/PID.PRA/2017 PN.PBR Pengadilan Negeri Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ultrasari, Ulfa
K Law (General) 
2022-04-04 07:58:00 
Abstract :
The role of law is very urgent in our lives in society, nation and state. However, so far the legal development deserves to be called neglected. In the perspective of the criminal justice system, evidence plays an important role in stating the accused's guilt. Then based on the description above this study sets the main problem as follows, namely the first main problem formulation is How is the Strength of Expert Information as Evidence in Pre-Trial Case Number: 09 / Pid.Pra / 2017 / PN.Pbr Pekanbaru Negri District Court and the formulation of the main problem the second is why Pre-trial judges receive expert statements in case Number: 09 / Pid.Pra / 2017 / PN.Pbr Pekanbaru Negri District Court. The nature of this research is descriptive in giving as detailed data as possible about humans, circumstances or other symptoms. With the aim of reinforcing hypotheses in order to help in strengthening old theories, or in the context of developing new theories. Researchers analyze pre-trial cases number: 09 / Pid.Pra / 2017 / PN. Pbr and apply the rules contained in the decision. In the legal regulations written against the criminal procedure code which is regulated in Article 184 paragraph (1) regarding valid evidence and Article 186 regarding expert statements. Expert testimony in providing evidence is for the general public that is an attempt to convince the judge, that based on two legal pieces of evidence to declare the accused guilty in accordance with the indictment. For the defendant and his legal advisors, the evidence is a reverse attempt to convince the judge based on two legal pieces of evidence in order to declare the defendant acquitted or acquitted of lawsuits or alleviate his crime. For judges through legal evidence both from the public prosecutor and the defendant and their legal advisors are used as the basis for making decisions. The position of expert testimony as evidence in the examination of a criminal case has 2 (two) possibilities, that is, it can be used as evidence of expert statements and documentary evidence. 

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Universitas Islam Riau