Abstract :
The era of globalization makes the country of Indonesia as an open country for the entry of foreign nationals to do good activities in the industry, tourism and other trade in Indonesia. In this regard, use guaranteeing the stability of the influence of foreigners in Indonesia Arrangements regarding the rights and obligations of foreigners are regulated in Law Number 9 Year 1992 jo Law Number 37 Year 2009 concerning Immigration that has been changed by Law Number 6 of 2011 about Immigration. To guarantee the provisions in this law adhered to then in this law also regulated criminal provisions regulate some actions that are qualified as criminal acts in the area of ??immigration carried out by foreigners. But apparently inside The Immigration Act, in addition to regulating criminal provisions, is also regulated Immigration actions that are non-justical or emphasize aspects administrative. Koemiatrnanto Soetorawiro (1996: 74). The formulation of the problem of this research proposal is How the type of residence permit of Foreign Citizens in Indonesia is based Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration in the Jurisdiction Pekanbaru Class I Immigration Office and How sanctions for Citizens Foreigners who violate a residence permit in Indonesia or commonly referred to as Overstay The research method used by the author is legal research empirical (observational research) or sociological law research that is research the law is conceptualized as a social institution that is actually associated with other social variables. The results of the study were the type of residence permit of foreign citizens in Indonesia Based on Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration in Jurisdiction of the Pekanbaru Class I Immigration Office Article 1 Law Number 6 of 2011 states that permanent residence permits are permits given to certain foreigners to reside and settle in Indonesian territory as a resident of Indonesia. Permanent residence permit is granted to the applicant after settling for 3 (three) consecutive years in Indonesia. To get a permanent residence permit the applicant has reached the age marriage for a minimum of 2 (two) years and sign the Integration Statement to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Article 54 paragraph 1 of Law number 6 in 2011 about immigration). Sanctions for violating foreign citizens residence permit in Indonesia or commonly referred to as Foreign Overstay the holder of a Stay Permit that has expired and is still in in the Territory of Indonesia more than 60 (sixty) days from the time limit of the Permit All that remains is subject to Immigration Administrative Action in the form of Deportation and Determination of article 78 of Law number 6 of 2011.