Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Upah Tenaga Kerja Kontrak Menurut Peraturan Pmeerintah Nomor 78 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pengupahan Di PT Mitra Ideal Consultant Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Lestari, Windi
K Law (General) 
2022-04-04 07:59:49 
Abstract :
Nowadays, economic growth in Indonesia is growing rapidly, there are many incomes are needed to achieve the economic growth. In economy growth, labor wages is very effecting. There are many employees that work through previous employment agreement, but the labor wages are not in accordance with the economic law and regulation, for instance, the labor wages that are not accordance in minimum wages that is stated by the government of Indonesia. One of problems that make deficiency is that the employees are lack of understanding in the economic regulations. The researcher set the problem research,that is how the implementation of legal protection toward the contract of minimum wages at PT Mitra Ideal Consultant Pekanbaru and what is the obstacle that is faced by PT Mitra Ideal Consultant Pekanbaru toward the law on the implementation of labor wages. The method of this study is called observational research, which observing the PT Mitra Ideal Consultant directly to gather the data. The characteristic of this study is descriptive research, and the instruments to collect the data are interview and questionnaire to the respondent. According to the result of this study : The legal of protection that is implemented by PT Mitra Ideal Consultant Pekanbaru toward the contract labor is accordance with the Chapter IV of the government law number 78 in year 2015 about the remuneration that every employee should have the wage protection equally from the company. The obstacle that is faced in the labor contract is lack of company funds that is given to the contract labor. 

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Universitas Islam Riau