Analisis Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Rukun Warga (PMB-RW) Di Kelurahan Sidomulyo Barat Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Abdillah, Andy
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-05 10:20:06 
Abstract :
The Community - Based Community Empowerment Program (PMB RW) has the aim of creating and improving the quality of community life, both individually and in groups which are just a stimulus from the government to encourage community participation to be active in the Pekanbaru City Government's flagship program. This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of a Community - Based Community Empowerment Program (PMB - RW) in Sidomulyo Barat Village, Tampan District, Pekanbaru City. This research is descriptive qualitative, because the evaluation of the implementation of community empowerment programs is a research that is related between the success or failure of the program. The informants of this study were 15 (fifteen) people. Data analysis techniques used in data analysis were carried out using data reduction, data presentation, and triangulation as well as drawing conclusions / verification. In general, the results of the study explained that the implementation of Community - Based Community E mpowerment (PMB - RW) in Tampan Subdistrict, Sidomulyo Barat Village Pekanbaru City was quite implemented but not yet maximal and not in accordance with the Pekanbaru Mayor Regulation which became the basis for the RW PMB implementation. From the social and population indicators it can be seen that the PMB - RW program in Sidomulyo Barat Sub - district of Tampan Sub - district has no significant social change, because the activities in the PMB - RW Program in West Sidomulyo Sub - District of Tampan Sub - District are onl y Programs that are basic learning / training. While viewed from the aspect of productive economics, that the implementation of the PMB - RW Program in Tampan Sub - District, Sidomulyo Barat Village has not improved or changed the social life of the people who are participating in PMB - RW activities. Furthermore, it is seen from the aspect of regional and environmental structuring that the Regional and Environmental structuring program in the West Sidomulyo Village can be seen from the mutual cooperation, Greeni ng and flower garden movements. Factors affecting the implementation of the Community - Based Community Empowerment Program (PMB - RW) in Sidomulyo Barat Village are Participation in the form of funds and energy / ideas in the form of ideas and justice. Funds for the implementation of activities that will affect the implementation so that the participation of assistants and ideas runs according to the wishes of the community. So that justice takes place in the PMB - RW Program Implementation. 

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Universitas Islam Riau