Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to explain the accounting proses of BUMDes Meranti Sejahtera whether it is in accourdance with accounting principles. Generally accepted, this research is located at a company owned by the village of sejahtera, Meranti village, Pangkalan kuras District, Pelalawan Regeny. Accept general accoungting principles. This research is a qualitative research and the techniques used in data collection are interviews and ducumentation to analyze the data obtained by the author using deskriptive metthods, namaly making comparisons between the data that has been collected with related theoris and presented in from of research results. From the resutl of this study indicate that the application of accouanting in the village owned bussuness village is not fully un accordance with general accoaungting principles. However, the resuult of this study also illustrate that the appalication of accounting in BUMDes Meranti Sejahtera needs improvement to improve community welfare in village owned enterprises. This research is improtant for academics to understand whether the accoaunting proses in the goverment is accordance with accounting principles. Generally accepted, this research can also be used as a reflection to imprrove the quality of abserver.