Abstract :
This study aims to determine and analyze how the loyalty of employees at Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru and to find out and analyze the factors that affect employee loyalty at Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru. The population in this study were all employees of Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru, amounting to 36 people and the sample will be taken as a whole from the population, namely 36 taken by census. Data analysis using descriptive method. The results showed that the individual characteristics of employees at Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru were that most of them were of productive age, namely 21-30 years old, most were unmarried, most of them were male and generally had high school / vocational education and had a working period of between 1- 3 years. Based on respondents' responses about the characteristics of work at Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru, most of them agree with the characteristics of work at Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru. Based on respondents' responses about the characteristics of the job design at Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru, most of them agree with the characteristics of the job design at Hotel Angkasa Garden Pekanbaru. Based on the responses of respondents about the experiences gained from working at the Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru, most of them agree with the experience while working at the Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru that it can lead to a positive attitude, a sense of trust and a sense of security towards the company.