Pengaruh Abu Daun Kelapa Sawit dan TSP Terhadap Pertumbuhan Serta Peroduksi Kacang Panjang Renek (Vigna Unguiculata Var. Sesquapedalis)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Dani, Rahma
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-05 03:33:59 
Abstract :
The Effect of Palm Oil Leaf Ash and Fertilizer TSP on Growth and Production of Renek Long Beans (Vigna ungiculata var. sesquepedalis). This research has been carried out in the garden Experiment Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution KM 11, Air Cold Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City. During four months from October 2019 to January 2020. The purpose of the study for know the effect of oil palm leaf ash and TSP on growth as well long bean production. The design used was a completely randomized design consisting of 2 factor, oil palm leaf ash (A) and TSP (T) consisted of 4 levels of A0 0 kg / plot, A1 0.6 kg / plot, A2 1.2 kg / plot, A3 1.8 kg / plot, and T0 0 g / plant, T1 1.5 g / plant, T2 3 g / plant, T3 4.5 g / plant. So there are 16 combinations treatment with 3 replications obtained 48 experimental units. Each unit The experiment consisted of 4 plants 2 sampled, a total of 192 plants. Parameters observed were plant height, flowering age, harvest age, number pods per cropped, pod weight per cropped, pod length, number of remaining pods and root volume. Data were analyzed statistically and further tested BNJ at the level 5%. The results of this study are the combination of oil palm leaf ash and combination interaction TSP affects all parameters. Best ash treatment palm leaves 1.8 kg / plot and TSP fertilizer 4.5 g / plant, except on treatment of flowering age and harvest age with the best dose of 1.2 kg / plot and 3 g / plant. The main effect of oil palm leaf ash was significant for all parameters, the best treatment was 1.8 kg / plot. Except for the parameters of harvest age and age flowering with the best treatment 1.2 kg / plot. The main effect of TSP was real against all treatments with the best dose 4.5 g / plant. 

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Universitas Islam Riau