Abstract :
research with the title "Utilization of Chicken Bone Flour and TSP Fertilizer on Growth and Production of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea Var. Capitata)", aims to determine the interaction effect and the main effect of chicken bone meal and TSP fertilizer on plant growth and production. cabbage. This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University, Pekanbaru City, during January to April 2020. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor was the dose of chicken bone meal (T), consisting of 4 levels, namely 0, 10, 20, and 30 grams per plant. The second factor is the dose of TSP (P) fertilizer, consisting of 4 levels, namely 0, 5, 10, and 15 grams per plant. The parameters observed were plant height, crop formation age, harvest age, plant fresh weight, crop weight, crop girth, and root volume. Observation data were analyzed statistically and continued with the BNJ test at the 5% level. The results showed that the interaction between the combination of chicken bone meal and TSP fertilizer significantly affected all the parameters of the observation. The best treatment is a combination of chicken bone meal at a dose of 30 grams per plant and TSP fertilizer at a dose of 10 grams per plant (T3P2). The main effect of chicken bone meal was significant on all observed parameters, with the best treatment being the dose of chicken bone meal 30 grams per plant (T3). The main effect of TSP fertilizer was significant on all observed parameters, with the best treatment, namely 15 grams of TSP fertilizer per plant (P3).