Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Sekretariat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Provinsi Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sukma, Doddy
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-05 10:22:56 
Abstract :
In writing a thesis entitled "The Influence of Human Resource Quality Factors on Employee Performance of the Riau Province Regional Representative Council Secretariat", the objects of research for the writer include Physical Ability (X1), Intellectual Ability (X2), Knowledge (X3) Skills (X4), Leadership (X5) and Employee Performance (Y) Secretariat of the Regional Representatives Council of Riau Province. This study was conducted with the aim of: 1. the factors for the quality of human resources employees of the Secretariat of the Riau Province Regional Representatives, 2. to analyze the performance of the employees of the Secretariat of the Riau Province Regional Representatives, 3. to analyze the influence of the factors of the quality of human resources on performance Riau Province People's Representative Council Secretariat employee. To prove this hypothesis, multiple linear analysis is used with a significant test of F and t. The number of samples in this study were 197 people which is the total number of the population. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. As for testing the instrument using validity, reliability, and classical assumption tests. Based on the results of statistical calculations it is known that, Physical Ability, Intellectual Ability, Knowledge, Skills and Leadership in the good category while the Performance of the Employees of the Secretariat of the Regional Representative Council of Riau Province are in the Fairly Good category. Physical Capability, Intellectual Capability, Knowledge, Skills and Leadership of Secretariat staff of the Riau Regional Representative Office have a positive and significant effect on the Performance of Employees of the Secretariat of the Regional Representatives of the Riau Province. Physical Capabilities, Intellectual Capability, Knowledge, Skills and Leadership of Secretariat Staff The Riau People's Regional People's influence jointly has a positive and significant effect on the Performance of the Riau Provincial Regional People's Secretariat Employees while the knowledge of the Riau Province Regional People's Representative Office Secretariat employees is the most influential variable on the Performance of the Riau Provincial People's Secretariat Employee Performance. In order to improve the performance of the staff of the Secretariat of the Riau Province Regional People's Representative Council, it is expected that all related parties should always be in the form of enhancing their knowledge and expertise and work discipline so that the performance of the employees of the Secretariat of the Riau Provincial Representative Office will increase. 

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Universitas Islam Riau