Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of the policy and analyze the inhibiting factors for the implementation of Child-Friendly Cities (KLA) in Pekanbaru. This study uses the type of qualitative research with the type of descriptive research that aims to provide a factual and accurate systematic description of the data in the field. At least, there are five types of qualitative research methods that are widely used, namely: (1) observation involved; (2) conversation analysis; (3) discourse analysis; (4) content analysis; and (5) ethnographic data collection. In connection with this research, the author uses qualitative data analysis techniques, qualitative data analysis techniques are used to obtain information about policy implementation. Then the data from the interviews obtained are then recorded and collected so that it becomes a field note. From the results of research and discussion that have been described, it can be concluded that the Implementation of Child-Friendly City Policy in Pekanbaru City (Bencah Lesung Village Study) has been going well, in accordance with the main tasks and functions and in accordance with the standard operating procedures of each task force team that is contained in each working group. Constraints faced in implementing Pekanbaru City Child-Friendly Policy (Bencah Lesung Urban Study) namely there are still shortages of resources, infrastructure and problems due to budget constraints and high mutation rates affecting the work of the task force team, as well as the presence of sectoral egos among the DPOs who think that this child-friendly city policy is the main task of the Pekanbaru City PPPA Office and not the PPPA Ministry Program alone, as well as the community's understanding of this policy so that it is difficult to gather citizens to socialize. The efforts made by the PPPA Office and the Task Force Team in developing this Child-Friendly City at both the City and Kelurahan level include providing information in the form of leaflets and distributing brochures, socializing to schools and providing training in the form of the Bimtek Convention on the Rights of the Child.