Abstract :
Vegetable farming in West Rengat Subdistrict uses a diversification pattern, with various limitations such as limited land, capital, knowledge, and various other resources. This study aims to analyze: (1) characteristics of farmers (2) the use of production factors, production costs, income, and farming efficiency; (3) and a combination of vegetable cropping patterns that can maximize the profit of vegetable farming in West Rengat District, Indragiri Hulu Regency. Samples were taken by simple random sampling as many as 36 farmers who cultivate 3 types of vegetables, namely spinach, cucumber, and chili in a polyculture (mixed crop). The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as linear programming methods which are analyzed using Lindo 6.10 software. The results of the analysis show that: (1) The characteristics of vegetable farmers in West Rengat District are 39.25 years old on average (productive); the average length of education is 8.83 years (junior high school equivalent); the average farming experience is 3.89 years (long term); and the average dependents of a farmer's family are 5 people (large). (2) In vegetable farming, the average use of production factors is an area of 308.33 m2, spinach seeds 500.83 grams/grpn/year, cucumber seeds 72.94 grams/grpn/year, chili seeds 49.56 grams/grpn /yr, NPK fertilizer 64.58 kg/grpn/yr, urea 39.49 kg/grpn/yr, KCl 10.07 kg/grpn/yr, organic fertilizer 210.64 kg/grpn/yr, pesticide decis 24.30 ml/grpn/yr and chlorotanil 55.89 gram/grpn/yr, labor 26.67 HOK/grpn/yr. Production costs are Rp. 4,521,562/grpn/year, consisting of variable costs of Rp. 4,310,895/grpn/year (95.34%) and fixed costs of Rp. 210,667/grpn/year (4.66%). Gross income was Rp 13,148,960/grpn/year and net income was Rp 8,627,398/grpn/year. Efficiency or RCR is 2.91, which means it is profitable and feasible to work on. (3) The results of linear programming analysis show that the optimal state of vegetable farming will be achieved with a combination of only 2 types of vegetables, namely spinach with an area of 52.97 m2 and cucumber 226.86 m2, the profit to be obtained is Rp. 9,509.543/grpn/year (more high Rp. 671,479 from the actual condition).