Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Pembangunan Rumah Sehat Layak Huni Pada Dinas Perumahan, Kawasan Pemukiman Dan Pertanahan Provinsi Riau (Studi Pada Kota Pekanbaru)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Pebriani, Peni
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-05 10:24:45 
Abstract :
The house has a function that is so great for humans in carrying out daily life. By owning a house, a person or group of people can be protected from various dangers. In setting priorities about the home, a person or a family with a very low income tends to place top priority on the location of the house which is close to the place that can provide employment opportunities. Inadequate occupancy is the embodiment of the impact resulting from poverty factors. Aside from the above inadequate occupancy is also greatly influenced by low levels of education, unemployment, and low income. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the Implementation of the Occupational Healthy Homes Construction Program in the Department of Housing, Resettlement and Land in Riau Province (Study in Pekanbaru City). This type of research uses a descriptive approach with a qualitative method with the number of informants as many as 10 people and the head of the housing sector as a key informant. Data collection techniques carried out by interview and analyzed using typology strategies. The main conclusion of this study is that the level of Analysis of the Implementation of the Occupational Healthy Houses Development Program in the Department of Housing, Settlement and Land Areas of Riau Province has not been optimal and needs to be increased, especially on the indicators of input, process and output. 

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Universitas Islam Riau