Abstract :
Government Regulation Number 17 Year 2018 Concerning Subdistricts in carrying out the duties of the Camat in the administration of the Government where Article 10 point c that the Camat in leading the District is tasked with coordinating efforts to administer peace and public order. In Coordinating the Implementation of Peace and Public Order includes the existence of responsibilities, the existence of processes, regular arrangements, Unity of action and the purpose of coordination. The purpose of this research is to find out the Sub-District's Task in Coordinating the Implementation of Peace and Public Order in Pangkalan Kerinci Sub-District, Pelalawan Regency and to know the obstacles in the Sub-District's Duty in Coordinating the Implementation of Peace and Public Order in Pangkalan Kerinci Sub-District, Pelalawan District. This research is a study using qualitative methods that are descriptive, conducted by survey. The results of this study are expected to provide the following benefits: brainstorming in the context of developing science, especially in the field of social and political science as well as a reference to improve the implementation of the Camat's Task of Coordinating the Implementation of Peace and Public Order in Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency. The results of research conducted in Pangkalan Kerinci Subdistrict, Pelalawan Regency are good enough that the sub-district head has coordinated security and order implementation. However, the authors suggest that the head of the sub-district should be able to improve coordination with the village government and village community institutions as well as the local police regarding peace and order with the aim of achieving peace and order by the community..