Analisis Peranan Kepala Desa Dalam Penggunaan Rencana Kerja Anggaran Pemerintahan Desa Kampar Kecamatan Kampa Kabupaten Kampar
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ali, Rosihan
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-05 10:22:49 
Abstract :
The village is a legal community unit that has the authority to manage and manage government affairs, the interests of the local community based on community initiatives, original rights, and / or traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the system of government of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. One of the empowerment programs is the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) which is a manifestation of the fulfillment of the village's right to implement village autonomy so that it can grow and develop following the growth and self-evaluation of the village itself based on participation. To find out and analyze the role of village heads in the use of budget work plans, look at the aspects of the tasks, authorities and responsibilities of the village head of Kampar, Kampa sub-district, Kampar regency. The type of research used in this study is qualitative using descriptive surveys and triangulation techniques. There are 10 informants in this study with the village head as the key informant. Data collection techniques with interviews and descriptive data analysis through a qualitative approach. This study concludes that the Analysis of the Role of the Village Head in the Use of the Kampar Village Government Budget Work Plan Kampa District Kampar Regency as a whole needs to be improved and enhanced based on indicators of duties, authority and responsibility. 

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Universitas Islam Riau