Penegakan Hukum Oleh Balai Besar Pengawas Obat Dan Makanan (BBPOM) Kota Pekanbaru Terhadap Pelaku Usaha Yang Menjual Kosmetik Tanpa Izin Edar
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Universitas Islam Riau
Rahmanelly, Arsy
K Law (General) 
2022-04-05 10:26:27 
Abstract :
The development of the goods and services industry is currently having a positive impact but also having a negative impact on consumers. One of the items being traded is a product that is sold in the market is cosmetics, because cosmetic products have become a human need, especially for women. The desire of a woman to look beautiful is widely used and misused by business people who are not responsible for producing or trading cosmetics that do not meet the requirements and are not registered in the Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM). The formulation of the problem used in writing this thesis are: First, How is Law Enforcement by the Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) Pekanbaru City on Cosmetics Without Circular Permission? Second, What are the obstacles faced in Law Enforcement by the Pekanbaru City Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) against Business Practitioners who sell Cosmetics Without Circular? Third, What is the Effort to overcome the Obstacles faced in Law Enforcement by the Pekanbaru City Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) against Business Practitioners who sell Cosmetics Without Circular Permission? The type of research used in this study is Observational Research by Survey. This research was conducted by taking a sample from one population and using interviews as a primary data collection tool. The method of drawing conclusions that the authors use from data obtained both from interviews and literature studies is processed or analyzed with qualitative methods. Qualitative method means a method that describes the data obtained in the form of regular, logical, and effective sentences From the results of the research problem there are three main things that can be concluded, First, Law Enforcement by the Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) of the City of Pekanbaru against Business Actors who sell Cosmetics Without Circular Permits, there are 2 namely Law Enforcement by being subject to administrative sanctions and sanctions Criminal. Second, the Consumer Factor does not play an active role in providing information and reporting if business operators sell illegal cosmetics / do not have marketing authorization to the Pekanbaru Center for Medicines and Food. Third, increasing the role of consumers to be smart about cosmetics to be purchased by providing intensive education and counseling to consumers. The Pekanbaru Center for Drug and Food Supervision further improves performance by frequently conducting routine raids on businesses to check whether there are illegal cosmetics and adding Civil Servant Investigators so that they can improve performance and reduce the circulation of illegal cosmetics. 

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Universitas Islam Riau