Abstract :
The durian plant is a plantation plant that is widely used for its fruit originating from countries with tropical climates. Durian plants are of superior quality with great potential to be developed and are supported by several factors such as high consumption levels and import restrictions. This study aims to analyze: (1) the characteristics of farmers and the profile of durian farming (2) durian farming, (3) strategies that can be applied in the development of durian fruit business. This research was carried out for 6 months starting from July 2020 - December 2020 located in Mempura District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. The location selection was done purposively with 10 farmers selected by simple random sampling. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The assessment of internal and external strategic factors is carried out using the Paired Comparison Method related to weighting, then rating is given to determine the ranking of each strategic factor, formulate alternative strategies using IE matrix analysis and SWOT matrix, and determine appropriate strategic priorities by using Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis. The results showed that: (1) The characteristics of durian farmers were the average age of 50.5 years, which means productive age, the average length of education was 9.7 years (SMP), the average farming experience was 8.8, and the average number of family members is 3.9 people (4 people). While the business profile obtained the average land area is 1.19 ha, the number of durian trees is 50-100 trees/ha, fruit production is 800 fruit/year, and productivity is 1000 fruit/ha/year. (2) The production cost is Rp. 10,087,924/year, the gross income obtained by durian farmers in Mempura District is Rp. 16,000,000/year, while the net income is Rp. 5,912,076/year, the RCR (Revenue Cost Ratio) is 1.5. The durian development strategy is, (1) Strive to establish durian Farmer Groups through support from the local government. (2) The role of the government is needed to support farmers' efforts to produce superior and quality products. (3). The existence of capital assistance to encourage farmers to produce a variety of processed durian products. (4) Optimizing land resources through existing agro-climatic support. (5) Developing durian business as a leading commodity in improving the economy of the people of Siak Regency. (6) Improving the quality and quantity of farmer human resources through support from the village government. (7) The government provides support for facilities and infrastructure for farmers. (8) Maximizing the potential of existing land by good farming in preventing pests and diseases. (9) Increase the motivation of farmers in eliminating disease pests to produce fruit that has a distinctive taste.