Analisis Usahatani Dan Pemasaran Ikan Lele Kolam Bundar Di Kampung Pangkalan Makmur Kecamatan Dayun Kabupaten Siak (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Tani Jaya Mandiri)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Latiffah, Binti
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-05 10:26:41 
Abstract :
The biofloc method used in farming activities aims to reduce the use of feed in catfish farming, reduce environmental water discharge and to increase the productivity of catfish produced by catfish farmers. This research was conducted for 6 months from May to October 2020 and this study aims to analyze: (1). Characteristics of farmers, traders and the profile of round pond catfish farming, (2). Farming analysis, (3). Marketing analysis of round pond catfish. The method used in this research is a survey method. Respondents in the study were taken by census on 5 farmers and 5 traders in Pangkalan Makmur Village, Dayun District, Siak Regency. The data collected consisted of primary data and secondary data, descriptive qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results of this study indicate (1). Whereas the characteristics of the average age of farmers are 43.8 years, the average age of collectors is 34, retailers are 36 years old. The education level of farmers averaged 7.8 years, collectors averaged 12 years, retail traders 9 years on average. The average length of farming for fish farmers is 3.4 years, the average traders are 2 years and the retail traders are 4 years on average. The average family dependents of fish farmers are 4 people, collecting traders an average of 3 people, retail traders an average of 4 people. The source of capital comes from own capital. The average cost is IDR 11,256,806.67 / production period, with a profit of IDR 13,769,193.33 / production period. The biggest cost in farming is the cost of processed feed, which is IDR 4,900,000.00 / production period with an RCR value of 2.22, marketing of round pond catfish consists of channel I from farmers directly to consumers and channel II from farmers to collectors. - retailers - end consumers. In channel I, the total cost used is Rp. 81.46 / Kg and Rp. 2,854.04 / kg in channel II. The total margin for channel II is Rp. 4,000.00 / Kg. The profit margin on channel I is IDR 81.46 / kg, channel II is IDR 1,960.96 / kg. The marketing efficiency value for channel I is Rp. 0.35 and channel II is Rp. 8.50. 

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Universitas Islam Riau