Abstract :
Kampa District Kampar Regency is a sub-district that has potential land and very fertile soil conditions that support the oil palm plantation development program. This shows that the opportunity to open oil palm plantations in Kampa sub-district is quite large where there are companies that are engaged in largescale oil palm plantations. With the establishment of oil palm plantation companies, it requires the company to have a Right to Cultivate (HGU), but in Kampa Subdistrict there are still oil palm plantation companies operating without having a right to operate, this is clearly in conflict with the laws and regulations. valid invitation. The main problem in this study is how is the implementation of the authority of the Land Office in granting rights of use for oil palm plantation companies in Kampa District, Kampar Regency, and What are the inhibiting factors for oil palm plantation companies in Kampa District in managing the right to cultivate. The research method used was observational research conducted by survey, while the nature of this study was descriptive, namely to provide a detailed, clear and systematic description of the main problem of the study. The results of the study and discussion revealed that the exercise of authority of the Land Office in granting business rights for oil palm plantation companies in Kampa District, Kampar Regency has been carried out to provide business use rights to one company with an area of ± 2,981.7 hectares, but the authority is not in accordance with and contrary to the authority stipulated in the provisions of the Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2013 concerning the Delegation of the Authority to Grant Land Rights and Land Registration Activities because the HGU granted for its area exceeds 2,000,000 M2 (two million square meters) then it should issued by the Head of Regional Office of BPN not issued by the Head of the Land Office of Kampar Regency, and the inhibiting factor for oil palm plantation companies in Kampa District in the management of the right to cultivate is that the company and the community are still in a state of land ownership disputes. because the company has not provided compensation for land acquisition / acquisition of land, overlapping licenses requested and the company does not have the awareness to make arrangements because the company feels sufficient with location permits and plantation business permits because the location permits and plantation business permits granted by the Regent also include consideration of the BPN in the region.