Analisis Usaha Agroindustri Tahu (Studi Kasus Agroindustri Tahu Pak Gutd Di Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Manullang, Santo Ronaldo
S Agriculture (General) 
2023-01-26 03:16:51 
Abstract :
Agro - industry is one of the agribusiness sub - systems that pro cess raw materials or raw materials from agricultural products to create added value and provide job opportunities. This study aims to analyze: (1) Characteristics of entrepreneurs and business profiles, (2) Use of raw and supporting materials, processing technology, (3) Production processes, production costs, production, income, efficiency and added value of Pak Gutd's tofu agro - industry business in Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency. The method used in this research is a case study, the location taken is in Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency. This research was conducted for 6 (six) months starting from March 2020 to August 2020 which included proposal preparation activities, data collection in the field, data tabulation, data analysis, report writing, mult iplication, and final report preparation, respondent retrieval techniques. using purposive sampling technique by taking 1 (one) sample or one entrepreneur. The data analysis used was descriptive qualitative analysis, quantitative descr iptive analysis and H ayami method analysis. The results showed (1) the characteristics of Pak Gutd's tofu agro - industry entrepreneurs are in the age group that is no longer productive, namely the age of 66 years and the age of the workers used is also the productive age, namel y in the age range of 27 - 50 years, the length of education of the craftsmen is 6 years, and for the length of education the workforce is at 9 and 12 years. The entrepreneur's business experience is 45 years and the workforce ranges from 2 - 45 years. The num ber of workers used is 4 workers. (2) The use of soybean raw materials used in one production process is 200 kg. The use of supporting materials per production process, namely 35.54 kWh of electricity, 10 liters of diesel, 1.5 M of firewood, transportation of Rp. 50.000, 1 kg PE plastic, 10 packs plastic bag, 1 ounce rubber. As for the production technology used in the tofu processing agro - industry, Pak Gutd can be said to be semi - modern because it already uses machine technology. (3) The total cost of prod uction in Pak Gutd's tofu industry was Rp. 2,470,187.50. The resulting production is 704 kg of tofu at a price of Rp. 5000 / Kg. The gross income per production process received by the entrepreneur is Rp. 3,520,000 and the net income received by the entrep reneur is Rp. 1,049,812.50 / production process. The efficiency of Pak Gutd's tofu processing agro - industry (RCR) is 1.42 which means it is feasible to be developed. The added value obtained from Pak Gutd's tofu agro - industry is Rp. 6,548.45 with a value a dded ratio of 37.21%. 

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Universitas Islam Riau