Pelaksanaan Asas Itikad Baik Dalam Perjanjian Pembiayaan Konsumen Antara Debitur Dengan PT. Bess Finance Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sagala, Ferdi Sawindo
K Law (General) 
2022-04-06 07:36:34 
Abstract :
The consumer financing agreement is an agreement made between the debtor or recipient of the facility and the creditor providing the facility, namely PT. Bess Finance Pekanbaru. In practice, the implementation of consumer financing agreements cannot be separated from the various obstacles and problems that accompany it. Barriers and problems that accompany the default, ranging from forgetting to pay, moving domiciles, changing hands and there are also those who are economically sufficient but do not want to pay. The cause of the default above is because the DP (down payment) is low, the stage of the application is very easy, there is no guarantee, inadequate survey that causes the creditor does not know how much the level of truth and ability of reports potential customers. Based on the background above, the authors are interested in conducting research on the main problem being investigated is, how is the implementation of the consumer financing agreement between the debtor and PT. Bess Finance Pekanbaru and what are the obstacles for not implementing a consumer financing agreement between the debtor and PT. Bess Finance Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is observational research by means of descriptive surveys, namely research that takes data directly from the population / respondent by conducting interviews and questionnaires as a data collection tool, then from the data taken are classified and analyzed so that conclusions are obtained with the method inductive. Based on the results of the study note that the implementation of the agreement between the debtor and PT. Bess Finance Pekanbaru is not working as it should. It was proven from January to April 2017 there were 1,519 debtors. As for the performance of defaults, namely: a) 93 persons not paid at all b) Late payment after maturity of 305 people c) Payment arrears for up to 185 people for months and the constraints of not having a consumer financing agreement between the debtor and PT. Bess Finance Pekanbaru due to the weakness of the rules made at the time of the request for consumer financing and surveys conducted are inadequate so that they do not know the truth and ability of potential customers resulting in debtors who make bad intentions continue to increase every month. There are several reasons such as: a) negligent to pay 490 people, b) the economy is sufficient but it does not want to pay as many as 64 people, c) debtors who have moved as many as 17 people and d) debtors whose goods have changed hands as many as 12 people. 

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Universitas Islam Riau