Pengaruh Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Berbagai Pestisida Nabati Terhadap Pertumbuhan Serta Hasil Tanaman Kailan (Brassica Oleracia)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sefrinaldi, Sefrinaldi
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-06 07:22:22 
Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the interaction of types and concentrations of various vegetable pesticides on the growth and yield of your crop (Brassica oleracea). The research was carried out at the Experimental Field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University, Jalan Kahharuddin Nasution Km 11, No. 113, Air Cold Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, for three months from February to April 2020. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial. The first factor is the type of pesticide (P) tuba root, noni, garlic and betel leaf which consists of 4 levels of treatment and the second factor is the concentration (K) namely: 20, 40, 60 and 80 ml/L water. Parameters observed were plant height, harvest age, number of leaves, economic fresh weight, plant dry weight, percentage of attacks and types of pests that attack. The last observational data were statistically analyzed and continued with the BNJ further test at the 5% level. The results showed that the type and concentration of various vegetable pesticides affected all parameters of plant height, harvest age, number of leaves, economic wet weight, plant dry weight and percentage of attack. The best interaction is the main factor is vegetable pesticides, garlic extract and the second factor is the concentration of 80 ml/L water (P3K4). The best vegetable pesticide treatment was garlic extract (P3) and a concentration of 80 ml/L water (K4) on its parameters. 

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Universitas Islam Riau