Analisa Jalan Berkeselamatan Pada Ruas Jalan Teluk Kuantan - Muara Lembu
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Universitas Islam Riau
Masrianto, Masrianto
K Law (General) 
2022-04-06 07:37:11 
Abstract :
Kuantan Bay road section - Muara Lembu is a connecting road Kuantan Bay City with Pekanbaru City. This research was conducted on the segment Kuanta Bay Cross Road n - Muara Lembu (Km 23 - Km 27), with the intention of for find out if this road is included safe way ( forgiving road , self explaining road and self enforcemen road ), to know factor - factors causing accidents and anxiety road safety To use minimize the number of accidents on the Kuantan Bay road section - Muara Lembu The research methodology is carried out de do not refer to the Rules Me nteri Occupation U mum Number 11 / PRT / M / 2010 and direct survey on location . Data k Orban traffic accident in 2015 - 2017 obtained from the Satlantas Polres Kuantan Singingi Regency. Based on the results of the analysis of these roads often occur accident. Common causes of accidents caused by geometric path, off guard users and not supported by complete signs and other supporting structures as stipulated in the law - Law Number 22 Year 20 09 about road safety. Need for improvement on geometric, cleansing damija, fixing pavement and shoulder installation of complete and clear signs according to road conditions. To reduce and pressing the number into accident happened so, r The road is Kuantan Bay Muara Lembu Km23 - Km 27 must be carried out immediately to improve the technical aspects conditional road being worthy (salvation) . To realize that path safety is recommended for improvement according to recommendations, Jari - finger p there is sharp turns should be enlarged, if necessary remove a few fruits the bend becomes straight following the footpath that is there and improved. 

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Universitas Islam Riau