Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Pembangunan Perumahan Antara PT. Riau Angkasa Indah (RAI) Dengan Konsumen Di Kota Pangkalan Kerinci
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Universitas Islam Riau
Kashmiwaty, Kashmiwaty
K Law (General) 
2022-04-06 07:37:29 
Abstract :
Housing cases that occur generally position consumers as a weak group compared to the developer (Developer). The outbreak of housing cases basically began with incompatibility in the sale and purchase agreement signed by consumers. The facts are increasingly opening the eyes that the position of the consumer is in a weak part and the legal protection against it is not guaranteed as expected. The main problem in this research is how the implementation of the housing development agreement between PT. Riau Angkasa Indah (RAI) with consumers in the city of Pangkalan Kerinci and how is the settlement of developer disputes in the construction of housing between PT. Riau Angkasa Indah (RAI) with consumers in the city of Pangkalan Kerinci. The research method used is Observational Research by means of surveys, namely interviews as a data collection tool. In this study the authors conducted direct research on the location of research to obtain materials, data and information related to this study. The nature of his research, this research is descriptive analytical, which provides a description of an event that occurred clearly and in detail about the Implementation of the Between Housing Development Agreement PT. Riau Angkasa Indah (RAI) With Consumers In Pangkalan Kerinci City. Based on the results of the study note that, the implementation of the housing development agreement between PT. Riau Angkasa Indah (RAI) with consumers in the city of Pangkalan Kerinci, not everything is going well and smoothly. This is because consumers lack the understanding of the contents of the Purchasing and Selling Agreement (PPJB) given by developers or developers. The settlement of developer defaults in the construction of housing disputes between PT. Riau Angkasa Indah (RAI) with consumers in the city of Pangkalan Kerinci is done by deliberation because there are no problems that cannot be resolved properly, if fellow disputing parties understand and understand the root of the problems that occur. 

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Universitas Islam Riau