Abstract :
Tanaman Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai pengobatan alternatif. Akar tumbuhan pepaya berguna untuk mengatasi dispepsia dan masalah pada traktus urinarius. Hingga saat ini, belum ada data yang menyatakan berapa tingkat keamanan dosis akar pepaya, padahal semua obat herbal mempunyai potensi menjadi toksik jika dikonsumsi melebihi dosis amannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk uji preklinik, menggunakan metode rancangan randomized control trial dengan pola posttest-only control group design untuk mengetahui tingkat keamanan dosis akar pepaya, gejala toksisitas, dan efek samping yang dapat terjadi pada organ hepar dan ginjal mencit. Hasil penelitian ini diuji menggunakan metode perhitungan nilai LD50 Thomson dan Weil. Berdasarkan percobaan yang telah dilakukan, tampak gejala toksisitas berupa piloereksi, grooming, straub, tremor, kejang, dan salivasi pada sebagian mencit setelah pemberian ekstrak akar pepaya dengan dosis 6.250 mg/kgBB dan 15.625 mg/kgBB. Pada pengamatan makroskopik organ hepar dan ginjal setelah perlakuan, ditemukan perubahan warna hepar dan ginjal mencit lebih pekat dibandingkan warna hepar dan ginjal mencit normal pada umumnya. Secara mikroskopik, pada hepar ditemukan gambaran berupa dilatasi sinusoid dan lumen pembuluh darah, terjadi nekrosis dan lisis pada sel hepatosit, dan terdapat sebukan sel radang mononuklear pada sekitar trias porta, sedangkan pada ginjal ditemukan nekrosis epitel tubulus ginjal, terjadi penyempitan lumen tubulus, dan terdapat sebukan sel radang pada sekitar tubulus ginjal. Nilai LD50 akar pepaya adalah 6.237,348 mg/kgBB dengan kisaran LD50 antara 3.675,361 mg/kgBB hingga 10.585,223 mg/kgBB, masuk dalam kategori toksik ringan (slightly toxic).
Kata Kunci : Carica papaya L., Obat herbal, gejala toksisitas, nilai dan kisaran LD50, gambaran makroskopik dan mikroskopik hepar dan ginjal mencit./ Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is commonly used as an alternative treatment. The root of papaya is useful to overcome dyspepsia and problems in the tractus urinarius. Until now, there has been no data about the level of safety of papaya root dosages, whereas all herbal medicines have the potential to be toxic if consumed more than the safe dose. This study aims to pre-clinical testing, using the method of randomized control trial design with the pattern posttest - only control group design to determine the level of safety dosage of papaya root, toxicity symptoms, and side effects that can occur in the liver and kidney of mice. The results of this study were tested using method of calculating LD50 values Thomson and Weil. Based on the experiments that have been conducted, the appeared symptoms were piloerection, grooming, straub, tremor, convulsions, and salivation in some mice after administration of papaya root extract at a dose of 6,250 mg/kgBW and 15,625 mg/kgBW. In macroscopic observation of the liver and kidney in mice after treatment, the color was more concentrated than the normal color of the liver and kidney in general. Microscopically, in the liver were found dilatation of sinusoids and lumen of blood vessels, occurred necrosis and lysis in hepatocyte cells, and there were infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells, while in the kidneys were found necrosis of renal tubule epithelium, occurred narrowing of the lumen tubule, And there was inflammatory cells infiltration around the renal tubules. The LD50 value of papaya roots is 6,237.348 mg/kgBW with range of LD50 between 3,675.361 mg/kgBW to 10,585,223 mg/kgBW, included into the category slightly toxic.
Keywords: Carica papaya L., herbal medicine, toxicity symptoms, the value and range of LD50, macroscopic and microscopic of the liver and kidney of mice.