Abstract :
Hasil survei APJI 2017 menunjukkan perilaku pengguna internet Indonesia sebanyak 87,13 persen menggunakan internet untuk mengakses media sosial sebagai gaya hidup. Sedangkan membaca berita hanya 50,48 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa segala informasi yang kita terima dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sumbernya lebih banyak dari media sosial dibandingkan dari media massa sehingga kita mudah terpapar berita hoax. Sebanyak 92,40% berita hoax disebarkan melalui media sosial.
Salah satu cara agar media tetap dipercaya dalam melakukan karya jurnalistik adalah dengan verifikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana kompas.com melakukan proses verifikasi berita di rubrik ?hoax atau fakta?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Metode pengambilan informan menggunakan purposive sampling. Peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada editor kompas.com dan Dewan Pres
Proses verifikasi berita di rubrik ?hoax atau fakta? kompas.com melalui 2 tahapan, pertama konfirmasi dan kedua cek dan ricek. Konfirmasi menjadi langkah pertama verifikasi berita untuk mengecek sumber berita, sedangkan cek dan ricek untuk akurasi berita. Dalam proses penentuan isu, kompas.com memprioritaskan isu politik dibandingkan isu sara. Isu politik yang dibangun dari April-Mei 2019 adalah pemilu 2019.
Kata kunci : verifikasi, konfirmasi, cek dan ricek, media sosial, isu.
The result of a survey by APJI in 2017 shows that Indonesian internet user behaviour around 87,13 percent use internet to access social media as a part of the lifestyle. While for news reader is only 50,48 percent. This shows that the information we receive in daily life comes mostly from social media instead of the mass media so we can easily come across hoax news. Around 92,40 percent hoax news are being made from social media.
One way to keep the media trusted in perfoming journalistic works is by verification. The purpose of this research is to find out how kompas.com conduct a news verification process between hoax and facts. This research is a qualitative research with the phenomenology methods. The information gatherings method is by using purposive sampling. The researcher is also conducts some interviews with the editor of kompas.com and dewan pres.
The news verification process between hoax and fact in kompas.com is by 2 steps, first is confirmation and second is check and recheck. Confirmation is the first step of news verification to check the sources of the news while the check and recheck is to see the accuracy of the news. In the process of determine the issue, kompas.com priorities the political issues instead of the racist one. Political issues that have been brought since April and May 2019 is the 2019 presidential election.
Keywords : verification, confirmation, check and recheck, social media, issue