Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemegang Hak Atas Merek Dagang Terkenal Asing dari Pelanggaran Merek di Indonesia
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Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Prasetyo, Ady
2023-03-06 02:38:13 
Abstract :
A. Name : Ady Prasetyo B. NIM : 15.400.501.15 C. Title : LEGAL PROTECTION OF RIGHTS HOLDERS FOR FOREIGN TRADE BRANDS FROM BRAND VIOLATIONS IN INDONESIA D. Number of Pages: 83 pages + attachments E. Keywords: Protection, Violations, Trademarks. F. Summary: Investment is one way to improve the economy in Indonesia, so the government is doing its best to attract investors to invest in Indonesia. But the problem is because of Indonesia's inconsistent economic policies and weak legal certainty. Weak certainty and legal protection in the field of IPR are caused by the condition of the Indonesian people who are still unable to understand the protection system of IPR, especially regarding foreign famous brands. To be able to provide legal certainty and protection, Indonesia as a member of the WTO has ratified the agreement regarding TRIP, which specifically regulates matters relating to Intellectual Property Rights. The research method in this paper is to use library research (Library Research), namely research carried out by searching for and collecting secondary data in the form of: books, laws and government regulations relating to legal protection against holders of well-known foreign trademarks. To be able to provide legal protection for holders of well-known foreign trademarks, it can be done by optimizing the implementation of UUMIG No. 20 of 2016, increasing the ability of brand inspection apparatus and law enforcement officials to understand the protection of intellectual property rights especially foreign famous brands. G. Reference List: 20 books + 1 statute + 1 government regulation Advisor I : Dr. Gindo L.Tobing, SH., M.H. Supervisor II : Anthon Nainggolan, SH., M.H. 
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Universitas Kristen Indonesia