Abstract :
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah masih ditemukan mahasiswa yang belum
matang secara emosi. Berdasarkan hasil berita CNN, survey dan observasi oleh
peneliti masih ditemukan mahasiswa yang melakukan tindakan agresif ketika emosi
negatifnya muncul. Tindakan agresif yang dilakukan seperti menganiaya,
memukul, berkata kasar, menendang, meninju dan memukul. Penyebab mereka
melakukan hal tersebut karena mereka masih kurang mampu dalam mengendalikan
dan mengelola emosinya dengan baik. Hal ini berkaitan dengan faktor yang dapat
memengaruhi kematangan emosi seseorang. Diketahui salah satu faktornya adalah
pola asuh orang tua. Penelitian ini berfokus pada masalah utama yang diukur
menggunakan aspek pola asuh orang tua dan aspek kematangan emosi. Subjek
penelitian ini sebanyak 102 mahasiswa yaitu 28 mahasiswa laki-laki dan 74
mahasiswa perempuan dengan rentang usia 18 sampai 25 tahun. Subjek penelitian
berasal dari 6 program studi yang ada di FKIP. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui
apakah ada hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan kematangan emosi
mahasiswa. Hipotesis penelitian ini ada hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua
dengan kematangan emosi mahasiswa FKIP. Analisis data penelitian ini
menggunakan bantuan program JASP (Jeffrey?s Amazing Statistics Program) versi
0.16.3. Hasil analisis reliabilitas diperoleh skala Y 0,82 dan skala X 0,95, artinya
kedua skala dapat dipercaya dan akurat. Analisis uji normalitas penelitian ini
menggunakan teknik Shapiro-Wilk Tes dan data yang dihasilkan tidak berdistribusi
normal. Nilai probabilitas (p) kedua variabel lebih kecil dari 0,05 dimana nilai p?value variabel Y 1,53e-3 dan p-value variabel X <.001. Peneliti menggunakan
analisis korelasi Spearman?s Correlations. Hasil analisis menunjukan koefisien
korelasi (r) = 0,65 dimana koefisien determinasi (r2
) sebesar 0,4225 artinya 42,25%
variabel kematangan emosi memberikan kontribusi terhadap variabel pola asuh
orang tua. Kemudian p < 0,001, artinya hipotesis yang menyatakan ada hubungan
antara pola asuh orang tua dan kematangan emosi mahasiswa diterima. / The problem in this study is that students are still found to be emotionally immature.
Based on the results of CNN news, surveys and observations by researchers still
found students who took aggressive actions when their negative emotions appeared.
Aggressive actions are carried out such as molesting, hitting, saying rudely,
kicking, punching and hitting. The reason they do this is because they are still
unable to control and manage their emotions properly. This has to do with factors
that can affect a person's emotional maturity. It is known that one of the factors is
parental parenting. This study focuses on key issues measured using aspects of
parental parenting and aspects of emotional maturity. The subjects of this study
were 102 students, namely 28 male students and 74 female students with an age
range of 18 to 25 years. The research subjects came from 6 study programs at
FKIP. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was a relationship
between parental parenting and the emotional maturity of students. The hypothesis
of this study is that there is a relationship between parental parenting and the
emotional maturity of FKIP students. Data analysis of this study using the help of
JASP (Jeffrey's Amazing Statistics Program) program version 0.16.3. Hof
reliability analysis obtained a scale of Y 0.82 and a scale of X of 0.95, this means
that both scales are trustworthy and accurate. The normality test analysis of this
study used the Shapiro-Wilk Test technique and the resulting data were not
normally distributed. The probability value (p) of both variables is less than 0.05
where the p-value of the variable Y 1,53e-3 and the p-value of the variable X <.001.
Researchers used Spearman's Correlations correlation analysis. The results of the
analysis showed a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.65 where the coefficient of
determination (r2
) of 0,4225 means that 42,25% of the emotional maturity variable
contributes to the parental parenting variable. Then p < 0.001, meaning that the
hypothesis that states there is a relationship between parental parenting and
student emotional maturity is accepted.