An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts in the Danish Girl
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Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Emilika, Emilika
2023-07-07 09:42:41 
Abstract :
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis tindak tutur direktif dan arti tindak tutur direktif yang uttered oleh Einar Wegener dan Gerda Wegener dalam film The Danish Girl. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah film The Danish Girl yang berdurasi 119:32. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah observasi pada ujaran yang dituturkan oleh Einar Wegener dan Gerda Wegener sebagai karakter utama di film The Danish Girl dan data di analisis berdasarkan teori Searle (2002). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 190 data yang dituturkan oleh Einar Wegener dan Gerda Wegener mengandung tindak tutur direktif. Jenis tindak tutur direktif yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah questioning, requesting, commanding, suggesting, forbidding, permitting, encouraging, and wishing. Terdapat 91 data questioning, 31 data requesting, 24 data commanding, 17 data suggesting, 12 data forbidding, 5 data permitting, 6 data encouraging, and 4 data wishing. Arti tindak tutur direktif yang dominan dalam penelitian ini adalah "ask" yang termasuk dalam kategori tindak tutur direktif dari questioning. Kata kunci: jenis tindak tutur direktif, arti tindak tutur direktif, The Danish Girl. / This paper aims to analyze the types of directive speech acts and the meaning of directive speech acts uttered by Einar Wegener and Gerda Wegener in the film The Danish Girl. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is the film The Danish Girl which has a duration of 119:32. The data collection technique for this study was observation of the utterances spoken by Einar Wegener and Gerda Wegener as the main character in the film The Danish Girl and the data were analyzed based on the theory of Searle (2002). The results showed that there were 190 data spoken by Einar Wegener and Gerda Wegener containing directive speech acts. The types of directive speech acts found in this study are questioning, requesting, commanding, suggesting, forbidding, permitting, encouraging, and wishing. There are 91 questioning data, 31 requesting data, 24 commanding data, 17 suggesting data, 12 forbidding data, 5 permitting data, 6 encouraging data, and 4 wishing data. The dominant meaning of directive speech act in this study is "ask" which is included in the category of directive speech act of questioning. Keywords: types of directive speech acts, meaning of directive speech acts, The Danish Girl 
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Universitas Kristen Indonesia