Abstract :
Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai Harmonisasi Atas Pengaturan Tentang Perubahan Penanaman Modal Pada Bidang Usaha Pertambangan Sebagai Salah Satu Pengembangan Ekonomi Di Indonesia. Perumusan Masalah dalam Penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana implementasi pengaturan tentang Perubahan Penanaman Modal khususnya tentang pengalihan saham dan perubahan direksi dan/atau komisaris pada bidang usaha pertambangan? Bagaimana upaya melakukan harmonisasi Perubahan Penanaman Modal khususnya tentang pengalihan saham dan perubahan direksi dan/atau komisaris pada bidang usaha pertambangan? Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk dan pendekatan yuridis normative dan didukung dengan penelitian empiris berupa wawancara, dan jenis data yang digunakan adalah Data Sekunder dengan cara perolehan studi kepustakaan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan, Pengaturan tentang Perubahan Penanaman Modal sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Cibinong Nomor 284/Pdt.G/2019/PN Cbi. Diatur dalam Pasal 15 Permen ESDM 27/2013. Selanjutnya, Pasca Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Cibinong Nomor 284/Pdt.G/2019/PN Cbi. terdapat tiga kali revisi atas pengaturan tentang Perubahan Penanaman Modal, yakni melalui Permen ESDM 34/2017, Permen ESDM 11/2018, dan Permen ESDM 7/2020. Dalam perubahan ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut, sehubungan dengan pengalihan saham tetap wajib membutuhkan persetujuan Menteri ESDM sebelum diajukan kepada Menkumham. Namun terkait dengan perubahan direksi/komisaris maka cukup memberitahukan kepada Menteri ESDM paling lambat 14 (empat belas) hari kerja setelah mendapatkan pengesahan dari Kemenkumham. Kemudian, dalam implementasi pengaturan tentang Perubahan Penananam Modal belum terdapat sinkronisasi antara Kemenkumham (Ditjen AHU) dengan Kementerian ESDM. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari Permenkumham 21/2021 yang tidak mencantumkan persetujuan Menteri ESDM sebelum diajukan kepada Kemenkumham, apabila perseroan dalam bidang usaha pertambangan mineral dan batubara melakukan pengalihan saham. Hal ini mengakibatkan pengesahan terhadap pengalihan saham perseroan dalam bidang usaha pertambangan, tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapatkan persetujuan Menteri ESDM./ This study examines the harmonization of regulations concerning changes in investment in the mining sector as one of the economic developments in Indonesia. The formulation of the problem in this study is How is the implementation of the regulation regarding Investment Changes, especially regarding the transfer of shares and changes to the directors and/or commissioners in the mining business sector? What are the efforts to harmonize Investment Changes, especially regarding the transfer of shares and changes to directors and/or commissioners in the mining business sector? This study uses a normative juridical form and approach and supported by empirical research in the form of interviews, and the type of data used is secondary data by obtaining a literature study. The results of the study show that the Regulation on Investment Changes as contained in the Decision of the Cibinong District Court Number 284/Pdt.G/2019/PN Cbi. regulated in Article 15 of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 27/2013. Furthermore, after the decision of the Cibinong District Court Number 284/Pdt.G/2019/PN Cbi. there have been three revisions to the regulation on Investment Changes, namely through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 34/2017, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 11/2018, and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 7/2020. In the amendment of these provisions, in connection with the transfer of shares, it must still require the approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources before being submitted to the Menkumham. However, related to changes in directors/commissioners, it is sufficient to notify the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no later than 14 (fourteen) working days after obtaining approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Then, in the implementation of the regulation on Investment Changes, there is no synchronization between the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Directorate General of AHU) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. This can be seen from Permenkumham 21/2021 which does not include the approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources before being submitted to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, if the company in the mineral and coal mining business sector transfers shares. This resulted in the ratification of the transfer of the company's shares in the mining business sector, without first obtaining the approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.