Abstract :
The study is aimed to find out the problems causing the students fail to learn English speaking in EFL classrooms at high school level in SMA Panjura Malang. The researcher used three data gathering instruments namely questionnaire, interview and classroom observation. 33 eleventh Grader students answered a 12-item questionnaire regarding factors that cause students fail in learning English speaking in the classroom. In addition to this, 1 EFL teacher was interviewed. Data gathered through these tools were analyzed using mixed approach data analysis method. The research findings indicated that a considerable number of students were reluctant and failed to respond to the teacher and remained silent in oral English language classrooms due to many causes as follows: (1)pyschological factors such as shy and afraid influenced them to hesitate to speak, (2)limited vocabularies complicated them to deliver their ideas, (3)a little comprehension to grammar make them difficult for them to speak English in correct way, (4)a little knowledge of topics given make them burdened to speak English, (5)the time given for practicing speaking holds them up to develop their ability to speak. Another problems is pronunciation, because of the rarity of having listening lesson. Based on the findings also, the classroom activities, the use of media, and supplementary program somehow helped the learners to get inlvoved actively in EFL classroom. In addition, teacher has an important role to facilitate, prepare, design good activities to improve students capability to speak. Conclusions and recommendations were drawn and made in relation with the aim of enhancing the learning of spoken English in foreign-language contexts.
keywords: speaking problem in English, learning speaking.