Memukul mundur heroisme militer (Analisis wacana kritis peristiwa G30S 1965 dalam film pendek Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru)
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Rino Suryo Bagio (STUDENT ID :
Nanang Krisdinanto (LECTURER ID : 0726126602)
Communication Science 
2020-01-17 09:48:15 
Abstract :
A cultural propaganda about a substantial mystery named the event of Gerakan 30 September happened in 1965, still alive and connected till today. A terror which made by a rezim known as Orde Baru to monopolize the truth about events which unsolved till today, impressed in community's memory. one of the most effective ways used by Orde Baru to shape society's perspective which monolithic is film. Through film entitled Pengkhianatan G30S?PKI, Orde Baru try to stick the absolute fact also the biggest genoside event terror has happened and experienced by this nation. Post regime which has led Indonesia for 32 years collapsed, The presence of a format names film pendek (short films) becomes oase in the midst of barren related to discourse of the event of G30S 1965. Besides it can be produced by everyone. Freedom which is offered by short films open the way of alternatif discourse related to the event of G30S 1965 can be showed and spread. The research results used method of analysis of critical discourse models by Norman Fairclough, express how the discourse about the event of G30S 1965 appeared on short film of Indonesia in post of Orde Baru. Including, this research reveals the process as well as the efforts of discourse producers to empower knowledge related to the event of G30S 1965 towards audiences. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya