Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
Juraida Syahril, Juraida Syahril
L Education (General)
2024-05-15 07:34:55
Abstract :
Juraeda Sahril 2021. ??The Analysis On English Teacher's Strategies In
Teaching Writing At Mis Satins Al-Gebra Kota Sorong. (Supervised by Ahmad
Wael and Rezkiah Hartanti).
Writing is an expression or idea that is poured in the form of words and sentences.
Therefore, students will be involved in the writing procces as well as the thinking
process.Students can improve their writing skills but it depends on the strategy
used by the teacher,strategy is one of the the success factor of students in
writing.Therefore,the teacher must have same appropriate strategies to overcome
students?difficulties in writing sentences or paragraphs.The purpose of this
research is to find out the teacher?s strategies in teaching writing.The research
design used in this study is qualitative with a qualitative descriptive method
approach.Data collection techniques were in the form of observation,interview
and documentation.The results of this research were two English teachers uses
two strategies, namely the Spin a Wheel strategy and the Peer Talks strategy in
teaching writing in defferent classes, namely rades 7c and 9c at Mts Sains Algebra
kota sorong.
Keywords: Writing and teacher strategy