Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
Dilla Dewi Tappi, Dilla Dewi Tappi
L Education (General)
2024-05-21 04:24:28
Abstract :
Dilla Dewi Tappi, 2021. The difficulties of Visually Impaired Student in Learning
English at SMPLB Kota Sorong. Under the Thesis of English Education Department, the
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University Muhammadiyah Sorong, Guided
by Muhaiminah Akib, S.Pd.,M.Pd. and Erpin Said, S.Pd.,M.TESOL.
This research aimed to find out (1) The Difficulties of Visually Impaired Student in
Learning English (2) The Difficult Factor of visually impaired student in learning English.
The data were conducted on November 2021 from 1 visually impaired student at the nine
grades with the classification is low vision.
This used descriptive qualitative research; the instruments were semi-structured
interview and classroom observation. The observation was used to observe the learning
process A visually impaired student of the nine grades student at SMPLB Kota Sorong
and the interview the learning process was distributed to A visually impaired student of
the nine grades at SMPLB Kota Sorong.
The result shows that there are two difficulties experienced by visually impaired
students in learning English namely: 1) Intellectual and 2) Physical Condition which
greatly affect the learning outcomes of A visually impaired student in the classroom. this
research found that visually impaired student overcomes their difficulties in learning
English (1). The principles of demonstration, visually impaired student need special
equipment to overcome difficulties when the teaching and learning process occurs. (2)
The activity principle, Questions, and answers can help foster the attention of student with
the attention of the visually impaired student and can help overcome student difficulties
in learning so that teaching and learning process can function optimally. (3) Individual
Principles, giving time by a teacher so that student can understand in more detail the
learning material that has been taught and can concentrate.
Key Words: A visually impaired student, learning difficulties, overcomes difficulties