Aplikasi model Arcswat 2009 untuk perhitungan erosi dan sedimentasi pada sub daerah aliran sungai Metro Hulu / Arief Abdurrahman Hakim
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Universitas Negeri Malang
Hakim, Arief Abdurrahman
2013-09-09 03:00:25 
Abstract :
i Keywords ArcSWAT 2009 upper Metro subwatershed erosion sedimentation Upper Metro subwatershed is part of the Brantas watershed system that included in the Critical Watershed Priority I by decree of the Minister of Forestry and Plantation number 284/Kpts-II/1999. Landuses that do not fit the designation be a major factor to decline in the carrying capacity of environment in Upper Metro subwatershed. Located in 3 (three) administrative areas opening the possibility of ambiguity management policy. Therefore a more comprehensive approach is required that is not bound with administrative boundaries in the management of a watershed area. ArcSWAT 2009 model used in this study aims to determine amount of erosion and sedimentation in the watershed as an indicator of environmental quality. The device works by modeling research units in form of a watershed. Calculation of erosion and sedimentation using simulation models ArcSWAT 2009 is something new that needs to be developed to determine the level of accuracy. This study used a quantitative approach and is non-experimental because the data used are available. The research was based on the objectives to be obtained is descriptive. This study fully using secondary data like rainfall maximum- minimum temperatures flow types of soil and land use data. Soil type and landuse have data of physical and chemical parameters which not entirely available. So it must be combined with data provided from ArcSWAT 2009. Required comparative data from field measurements to test the accuracy of simulation results. In this study field data were successfully obtained only data flow from Dam Mergan Limitations of field measurement data in this study led to the simulation results for the erosion and sedimentation cannot be compared to test its accuracy. Values were compared in this study only the amount of flow assuming that if close to reality simulation of flow field then the amount of erosion and sedimentation will also be closer to reality. Different test using t Test Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances method for data flow simulation results and measurement results from 2004 to 2010 show the results of t Stat is always smaller than t Crit. At the 85% 90% and 95% significance level. Significance level of 85% produces t Stat (1 480) 8804 t Crit (1538) 90% significance level produce value t Stat (1 480) 8804 t Crit (1782) and the 95% significance level t Stat (1 480) 8804 t Crit (2179). Can be concluded that there are significant differences between the data flow simulation results with flow field measurements. The simulation results of ArcSWAT 2009 for erosion tend to fluctuate each year. The total value of smallest annual erosion occurred in 2005 which amounted to 11.27 tons/ha/year. While the value of greatest erosion occurred in 2001 which amounted to 221.23 tons/ha/year. Value erosion in 2001 is far above mean years the other in the range of 11.27 to 21.04 tons/ha/year. This indicates a possible anomaly in the data base used. If referring to the provisions of the rate of soil loss can be tolerated by 12.5 tons/ha almost all the erosion that occurs each year is above the threshold. Except in 2005 under the tolerance limit soil loss which amounted to 11.27 tons/ha. Modeling for sedimentation process using ArcSWAT 2009 gave results that have a similar pattern to value of erosion. In 2001 there was a sedimentation of 16 315 979 metric tons this is well above the amount of sediment to the other years ranged between 1450411-725712 metric tons. ArcSWAT Model 2009 requires very large data to produce an accurate output. If will be conducted similar research should consider the availability of data for the area that will be the subject of research. 

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Universitas Negeri Malang