Abstract :
During the first delivery process, mothers usually do not understand what needs to be prepared. Mothers are strongly recommended to prepare themselves to face the labor process by anticipating the risks of childbirth, which need to be ready in the face of the labor process, and the signs of labor. Lack of knowledge about the readiness faced during birth can lead to fear, especially for primigravida mothers, causing pregnancy problems and even complicating delivery. This research aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge and preparation for childbirth in primigravida mothers in the West City Health Center working area. This research uses an analytical survey research design through a cross-sectional approach. Samples took by purposive sampling technique with a total of 42 selections. Collecting data using a questionnaire sheet. Data analysis using the Chi-Square statistical test obtained p value = 0.015 with <0.05. The results show a relationship between the knowledge and preparation for childbirth in primigravida mothers in the West City Health Center work area. It is recommended for the health center be more active in helping to provide correct information regarding knowledge related to how to prepare for childbirth, especially for primigravida mothers.