Abstract :
Ijury prevention aims to prevent severe and mild injuries by warming up and cooling down. This research aimed to determine the factors associated with avoiding ankle sprain injuries in the Pencak Silat Student Activity Unit at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo. The research design used descriptive. Sampling using a total sampling technique with 41 responden. Data collection using a questionnaire sheet. Data processing using Chi-Square statistical test analysis with a significant level ?= (0,05). From the research results, the knowledge factor obtained a p-value = 0,000, the attitude factor obtained a p-value = 0,000, the behaviour factor obtained a p-value = 0,000, and of the three factors obtained, the knowledge variable had a significant value (P-value) of 0,033 (<0.05). It can be concluded that knowledge, attitude and behaviour are related to preventing ankle sprain injuries and of the three factors most dominantly related to injury prevention, namely knowledge