Abstract :
The elderly are a group that is vulnerable to health problems due to anatomical changes and decreased organ function. This is due to the accumulation of free radicals in the body that accumulate with increasing age, causing cell degeneration and tissue damage that affects body function. The study aimed to determine the elderly gymnastics on increasing the level of physical activity?pre-experimental research design with a one-group pre-post test design approach. The population was 180 older people, and the number of samples was 15 older people with a purposive sampling technique. The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed a value of p = 0.001 <0.05. So, it is concluded that there is an effect of elderly gymnastics on increasing the level of physical activity both before and after doing gymnastics. Suggestions are expected to the clinic to continue to carry out elderly gymnastics according to an agreed schedule to support the physical health of the elderly.
Keywords: Physical Activity, Elderly, Gymnastics