Abstract :
Pulmonary TB is still a health problem in the world. According to the 2020 Global Tuberculosis Report, an estimated 10 million cases (56% of cases in men; 32% of cases in women; 12% of cases in children). This study aims to describe the level of anxiety of pulmonary TB patients who are undergoing treatment at the Lemito District Health Center, Pohuwato Regency. Using survey method and descriptive approach. The variable identified is the anxiety level of pulmonary TB patients in the last 6 months. The results of the study, the majority of respondents experienced mild anxiety due to the amount of drugs consumed and the length of treatment in order to recover completely. The anxiety of male respondents is because men are the backbone of the family. The age range of the majority of respondents was between 26-45 and 46-65 years, resulting in hampered productivity and social activities. The lack of insight they have, develops according to the knowledge that each individual has. Conclusion: The anxiety level of pulmonary TB patients was based on the HARS scale assessment, the majority of respondents were mildly anxious 19 people (61.3%), respondents with moderate anxiety were 7 people (22.6%), and 5 people (16.1%) respondents were not anxious. Characteristics: The majority of respondents were male 21 people (67.74%), the majority in the age range 26-45 years and 46-65 years each numbered 10 people (32.26%), the majority had elementary school education 11 people (35, 48%), and the majority had other jobs 17 people (54.84%) and the majority had undergone treatment for 1-3 months a total of 15 people (48.39%).