Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
Toluhula, Ririn Anggraini
RT Nursing
2023-12-04 04:14:46
Abstract :
Nurses' caring behavior has economic value for the health center because caring behavior has an impact on BPJS patient satisfaction therfore it will increase BPJS patient visits to the health center and ultimately can provide financial benefits for the health center, this shows that caring applied by nurses does not only provide benefits to increase patient satisfaction. BPJS, but caring can also improve a good image for the health center. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between nurses' caring behavior and the patients satisfaction level using BPJS at the Limboto Health Center. Analytical survey research design with a cross sectional study approach, the population of all BPJS patients was 1,259 people, the sample size was 43 people using accidental sampling technique in this study. The results were obtained through chi-square statistical test analysis, it was found that the nurses' caring behavior was less than 12 respondents stated that they were not satisfied, the nurses' caring behavior was sufficient with the level of satisfaction being expressed as less than 12 respondents and 8 respondents were satisfied, the nurses' caring behavior was adequate. Overall, 11 respondents expressed satisfaction. Then, it was found that the p-value was 0.000, namely <0.05 (5%). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between nurses' caring behavior and the level of satisfaction of patients using BPJS at the Limboto Community Health Center. Thus expected nurses' caring behavior will be improved by providing training or education about caring to nurses at community health centers and other health workers so that services can be provided as optimally as possible.