Abstract :
This research aims to determine the relationship between social support and self-adjustmentin female students of Class VII MTs at the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School. This researchuses a quantitative research design with a population of 45 female students. The totalsample was 45 female students using total sampling technique. The research resultsshowed the level of social support for female students is in the medium category at 28 with62.2%. Meanwhile female students' self-adjustment was in the medium category at 31 with68.9%. Based on the results of the spearmen rank correlation test with a correlation value (r)of 0.498 and a sig value (p) = 0.000 (p<0.05). Thus it can be concluded, there is a positiverelationship between social support and self adjustment in class VII MTs female students atthe Al-Falah Islamic boarding school. This shows the higher social support, the betterstudent's self-adjustment