Abstract :
Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels and impaired bodymetabolism. increased blood sugar levels due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, one or twoactions of insulin. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of consuming bittermelon juice in reducing blood sugar levels over time. The research design used was quasi-experimental, and the sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The research wasconducted in Mongolato village involving 30 respondents, with 15 respondents being the controlgroup and 15 respondents being the experimental group. The data analysis used is the Tdependent t test (paired sample t test) and the independent T test. The results of the dependent ttest (paired sample t test) in the experimental group obtained a value of p=0.000 and in thecontrol group a value of p=0.013 was obtained. The results of the independent T test showed thatthere was a significant effect on blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus sufferers after givingbitter melon juice to the experimental group, with a p value = 0.000. The results of this studyrecommend consuming bitter melon juice in diabetes mellitus sufferers to reduce blood sugarlevels temporarily.