Abstract :
The research aims to analyze racism in the 12 Years a Slave Movie Directed by Steve McQueen. This research choose Structuralism theory to help finding the data such as character, setting and theme that contain racism in movie scenes. The research method used descriptive qualitative. The focus of this research is describing the racism attitudes are experienced in 12 Years a Slave Movie to conduct this research. The step to obtain the data is collecting source of the data from 12 Years a Slave Movie taken from the internet. After that, the writers watch, listen andtaking note of some racial parts of the story in the film and will related it with the relevancies data from other sources to support my topic of research (such as books, the script of the movie, internet, etc).As a result of this research, it found 39 data about racism found in 12 Years a Slave consist of 24 data from characters, such as white and black characters like Freeman, the Burch, black folks, (slave), slave dealer, and Epps family. The researcher found 7 data from setting, such as the prison, slave trader room, ship, farm, and the Epps House. The researcher found 8 data from themes such as religion, sexual assault, identity, racism and slavery, survival and freedom.