Abstract :
Spiritual approach is something that gives awareness to someone about the meaning andpurpose of life while living in the world. Spiritual behavior is an act of a person whoputs an attitude in accordance with his knowledge of religious activities.The objectiveof research was determine the influence of spiritual approach on Spiritual Behavior ofMental Disorder Patients. The design method used literature study. Searching literatureused Google Scholar, Indonesia One Search, Researchgate databases. Obtained 3,527journals, then screening was carried out to obtain 32 journals, then their eligibility wastested according to the inclusion criteria, and obtained 10 journals. The results of researchfrom several journals state that there is an influence of a spiritual approach on the spiritualbehavior of mental patients, by fulfilling spiritual needs and using Islamic healing such as;dzikir, ruqiyah, read and listen to the chanting of the holy verses of the Al-Qur'an.Conclusion were looking at the results of research from several journals that the spiritualapproach has an influence on the spiritual behavior of mental disorder patients in controllingthe signs and symptoms of mental disorder.