Abstract :
Limboto Sub-district has experienced rapid development over the years, which hasresulted in an increasing variety of needs, including the need for clean water. Thefulfillment of clean water needs can be done through a pipeline system which is usuallymanaged by the Government or non-pipe which is generally managed independently bythe community. PDAM Tirta Limutu is a regionally-owned enterprise that has theauthority to manage and distribute clean water through a pipeline system in LimbotoDistrict. This research was conducted in Limboto Sub-district as the service area ofPDAM Tirta Limutu. The purpose of this research is to provide spatial information on thedistribution of clean water distribution in Limboto Subdistrict by overlaying administrativedata and pipe shaefile data by utilizing GIS tools so that the coverage of drinking waterdistribution services through the PDAM Tirta Limutu pipeline network can be seen. Thedata used are primary data in the form of field interviews and secondary data in the formof pipe data from the PDAM Tirta Limtu database. The method used is mix method. Theresults showed that in distributing clean water PDAM Tirta Limutu uses pipe sizes thatvary in diameter, pipes with large diameters are used in installations at the intakelocation on the Biyonga River, and pipes with smaller diameters are used forinstallations at customers.