Abstract :
As a The aim of this research is to find out what legal protection is for consumerswho use Maxim's online transportation services in Gorontalo City and what form ofresponsibility the Maxim online transportation business actors in Gorontalo City take forlosses experienced by consumers.Online transportation is a new innovation in the current mode of transportationwhere ordering is done using an application. The need for this mode of transportation isvery large in society. However, in its implementation things often occur that injure orharm consumer rights. The Consumer Protection Law regulates how to protect consumersif things happen that are detrimental to consumers and the responsibilities of businessactors as appropriate. However, cases are still often found where business actors do notfulfill their responsibilities as regulated in consumer protection law. Data collectiontechniques in this research used literature studies and interviews. Based on the researchresults, it can be concluded that legal protection for users of Maxim's online transportationservices has been regulated in the consumer protection law. This protection is preventivein the form of a prohibition on business actors and repressive, namely in the form of theresponsibility of business actors. The responsibility of business actors or drivers ismaximal towards service users if an accident occurs, namely by providing directassistance and providing compensation for losses.