Abstract :
This research is motivated by the gap between regulations and facts in society regarding donation
collection organizers. This research aims to find out more about the responsibilities of business actors
and the form of consumer protection in diverting consumer money back in the form of charitable donations
in the District. North Gorontalo. This research uses a descriptive juridical and empirical approach. Based
on research into the accountability of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk, based on article 1 number 6 of Law
Number 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare, it can be concluded that the status of the PT has not been
clearly written in the category of perpetrators who organize donation collections. The existence of a legal
relationship provides consequences for fulfilling a responsibility. PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk has the
responsibility and obligation to provide guarantees and transparency regarding the total amount of
donations collected and distributed to collaborating foundations. In an incident in the field regarding the
diversion of change money in the form of donations and it was felt by consumers at two Alfamarts in Kab.
North Gorontalo, consumers can sue under Article 1360 of the Civil Code and Article 4 letter b UUPK,
which emphasizes that consumers have the right to the goods or services they purchase must be in
accordance with the exchange value and conditions and guarantees agreed upon.